
What is it? And why are Kosher for Passover products gluten-free?

The story of Passover

The story of Passover

Passover is an 8-day Jewish holiday that takes place each Spring. It is a celebration of how G-d rescued the Jewish Nation from Egypt, where they had been enslaved by the Pharaoh. Through Moses, G-d struck the Egyption nation with 10 terrible plagues. Following the final plague, Pharaoh released the Jews from their slavery.

Terrified Pharaoh would change his mind, the Jews fled Egypt in a tremendous hurry. They left so fast, they didn’t have time to wait for their dough to rise. It baked on their backs as an unleavened flatbread.

Special Passover dietary restrictions

Special Passover dietary restrictions

In remembrance of this, each Passover, we remove leavened breads, cakes, and cookies from our diet. Matzoh – a crisp, delicious flatbread – is eaten instead.

At home, baked goods are made mostly using nut and potato flours. Some families also use crushed Matzoh, or “Matzoh Meal”, as a base. However, other families consider this a form of leavening, or “gebrokts”, and steer clear of it.

Oberlander's gluten-free solution

Oberlander’s gluten-free solution

Many Kosher for Passover products still include wheat & gluten in their products. But at Oberlander, in order to meet all the complicated stringencies of the Kosher Jewish community, all of our baked goods are made with a potato flour base and are non-gebrokts.

Additionally, to meet the strictest standards of purity, we don’t use any wheat, gluten, or grains of any sort. We also don’t use any dairy or soy.

Always Gluten Free

Because our facility is Kosher for Passover and non-gebrokts all year round, our equipment never comes in contact with gluten of any sort – ever. It’s also 100% dairy and soy free.

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